Wednesday, August 1, 2007

At the end of another book...

Today, I finished "Everything is Miscellaneous: The Power of the New Digital Disorder" by David Weinberger. The author's style is remarkably readable for someone with a doctoral degree from Harvard. I haven't met many philosophy students that weren't good for conversation, though.

If you're interested in the science and theory of information and the internet, you'll love this book. The dedication of the book even goes out "To the librarians." I think it should be required reading for library schools. I also really like this review:

"The world is messy, like it or not, and it's only going to get messier as the Web destroys rules and the rule makers. You can either complain about the chaos and wish for the good old days of order, or you can read this book and understand why delirious disorder will soon make us all smarter."
--Chris Anderson, author of "The Long Tail"

"The Long Tail" is a term that was tossed around a lot at the libraries and technology conference I attended about 6 weeks ago. I think I'm going to hunt down a copy of the book...which was apparently based on an article in Wired magazine.

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