Thursday, July 26, 2007

(Tap, tap, tap) Is this thing on?

Everyone knows ranting and raving every once in a while is absolutely necessary to survival. And Lord knows Nick and I always have something to rant and rave about. When you care, that's what happens.

More people should rant and rave. Let me rephrase that. More people should rant and rave about important things. Like health care, tuition expenses, and the lack of whole walnuts at the local Wal-Mart.

Well, with this blog, that's exactly what we'll be doing: ranting and raving about important things. Hopefully, our readers will be inspired, and they, too, will begin to rant and rave about things that matter.

Because if we don't do the griping, who will?


Nick said...

But not just griping...praising and gloating and whining and mocking and other ings, as well...

tattooedg33k said...

yay gerunds!