Thursday, August 23, 2007

Where have you been all my life?

Yay. I've just discovered the amazing Rilo Kiley. I've heard the band name many, many times, but have never slated the allotted listening time they deserve. Today, I did just that.

Strangely, however, I was recently turned on to Jenny Lewis with The Watson Twins by our friend Virginia. I loved it. Well, Nick is on the Rilo Kiley listening spree, as well (he started before me), and he read that Jenny Lewis is the lead singer of Rilo Kiley. Derp. How funny that I love the both?

Here's a sample from of "The Moneymaker," a kick-ass track off of Rilo Kiley's new album, "Under the Blacklight."

Rilo KileyThe Moneymaker

And here's their new video for yet another kick-ass song, "Silver Lining."

This is where it gets fun. After watching the video, I thought Jenny Lewis looked awful familiar. What do you think?

It's no wonder. She's also an actor who has been, since a child, in many projects I recognize, such as Foxfire with my beloved Angelina Jolie, Pleasantville, and many 80s sitcoms - yeah, you watched them.

This girl does it all! Therefore, I'm kicking off my Jenny Lewis infatuation. That's all iTunes and will know about me for the next few days. And to kick off the celebration, I think I'll curl up on the couch and watch Foxfire. Yay!

Rilo Kiley on
Rilo Kiley on Foxy Tunes Planet
Rilo Kiley on Wikipedia
Jenny Lewis on IMDB
Jenny Lewis on Wikipedia

Now playing: Rilo Kiley - Dejalo
via FoxyTunes

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