I began college at Ohio University - Chillicothe the winter of 2000, after I graduated from Piketon High School. I was majoring in English and loving it. A year into my college career, however, I became pregnant with Gracie and was promoted to editor of the News Watchman, simultaneously. Very quickly, my life became overwhelming. Something had to go, and college was it. I dropped all of my courses, and didn't look back, until now.
I left the News Watchman this April with the intent to return to college to finish my English degree, although I'm not too sure what I want to do with it just yet. Once I get back to the university setting, I expect my eyes to be opened to all sorts of tracks I can take, either with the bachelor's degree, or by pursuing higher education.
So, Wednesday, I met with Dennis Bothel at OU-C to file an appeal, and he thinks I should be accepted back at the school in time for me to attend fall quarter.
Going back to college is a dream I've had ever since I left. During my last marriage, my dreams were placed on the back burner (although I've already obtained a degree in criminal justice ... it just doesn't have my name on it), and now, I have the opportunity to fulfill my dream.
I'm so excited. I'm excited about reading assignments and taking notes and being organized. I'm excited about meeting new and interesting professors who will hopefully inspire me in ways I never imagined. And I'm excited to see how well I'll do.
I have to admit, during my first college stint, I don't feel that I was smart or mature enough to handle it. I've grown so much and learned so much since that time, I know I'll be unbelievably receptive to everything that's thrown my way. I want to learn.
'Tis a time to celebrate!
In other news:
Gracie the Tumble Bug will be in her first public live performance Tuesday at the Ross County Fair. I'm so excited to see her show off her stuff. Tumble Bugs is a gymnastics program for 3-to-5 year-olds, and the tots are taught the basics of the sport. Gracie is becoming quite skilled at somersaults, straddles, bear crawls and walking on the balance beam. I always knew I was raising a little monkey. Now she's just validating my suspicions. :)
- I've just finished "The Grim Grotto," the 11th book in Lemony Snicket's "A Series of Unfortunate Events." Yes, Nick finished the entire series this week ... I'm slowly catching up. I'll be sure to have my synopsis following "The End." The books are fabulous. They've definitely renewed my interest in reading.
- I'll soon be searching for a part-time job. Once I get my fall quarter schedule figured out, I'm going on the hunt for a simple, enjoyable job to bring in some extra income. Now, when I say "simple, enjoyable," I don't mean just mindlessly bagging groceries or pumping gas. I'd like to do something challenging, therefore exciting, but something that won't take up an ungodly amount of time or be too stressful. Something that has a schedule I can count on. If I'm going to be going to school full-time, time and stress management are going to be necessary. So, I'm thinking video store clerk (where I can make recommendations), office assistant (where I can be organized), ANY non-profit organizational position, Jolly Pirate donut server (speaks for itself) ... something like that.
- And finally, I'd like to say that Yous and Wikis are taking over the world ... And I love it.
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