Tuesday, September 25, 2007

On Writing a Book...

Ok....I'm writing a book. Or, rather, I'm collecting material for writing a book. I love my job at the library, but I could use some extra income. Plus, just telling everyone that I'm writing a book will motivate me to actually complete it. Right now, it looks like it's going to be a diet book. If you would have asked me 10 years ago what kind of book I would write.....a DIET BOOK would have been at the bottom of the list.

Nevertheless, I've lost 35 pounds in about two months. I'm also poised to lose another 40 by Christmas. It's been ridiculously simple for me to do it, too. I've essentially been synthesizing 4 or 5 different books into one lifestyle change/diet. While reading these books, I found that they often contradicted each other. I kept thinking "surely there's a way to combine the good advice from all these books to make them work together, rather than against each other." Well, there is.....and I'm gonna write it. It'll also contain a fair amount of gen-x comedy and slacker philosophy. I'm gonna research good ideas for titles....but I'm sure it'll have something to do with the diet being simple, and me being lazy.

On the non-lazy side of things, I actually made it to the gym yesterday. I rode the only kind of bike that I'll consider going near....a STATIONARY bike. My legs are paying for it today...

I may also publish and market the book myself....depending on how much time it'll eat up. I'm looking for automated income, here....

I welcome title suggestions...


Deidre said...

Nick, what a coincidence's. I'm writing a book also. Not a diet book but something I think will be interesting to read. I've kept a diary for almost 20 years now almost day by day. I plan to publish it for my family. And of course you and Jen are in it. Just thought I'd share that.

I'd be interested in knowing how you lost all that weight or found time? Any chance you could reveal some of that knowledge before the book is published? If not I'll be impatiently waiting to read your book. :)

Deidre said...

How's the book coming along?