Thursday, September 20, 2007

Oh, yeah ... listen to this one

So, today, I dolled myself up and headed to class. I was wearing this totally cute lacey shirt. I got in the car, went to readjust the shirt to cover my love handles which were hanging out, and - RIP. My shirt tore. My boob fell out. I whimpered a little.

So, being ten minutes away from class with a COMS exam waiting, I made a pit-stop at the Lion's Den. (Well, I was naked, after all.) I thought, perhaps, hopefully, they'd have some novelty tees in store to save my day.

I clutched my tote bag close to my bare chest and waltzed into the porn shop. Luckily, my hopes were correct. I'm now bearing a black tee-shirt with a big kissy smack on it and a Lion's Den emblem. I rule.

What a better way to start the day? Now, tell that one to all of your friends.

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