Lil Miss Gracie turned four on September 19. Her daddy and I worked together to throw her a party at the Walnut Street Park in Waverly, and she had a blast. More pics can be seen on my MySpace.

Nick is recovering well following his collarbone surgery. He's back to work, and actually just returned from the Ohio Library Convention. He's getting more and more brilliant every day, but if you know Nick, you're well aware of that already. :)
I'm on the downhill slope for this quarter. It's kind of sad. Just as soon as I get used to my classes, it's time to change. I'm also looking into work study; I'm hoping to work in the library at OU-C. And I've finally decided what I want to be when I grow up: a librarian. Go figure. :) I've just decided I've got to do what I'm good at and what I enjoy. Organization and technology fit right into both of those categories. So that's what I'll do.
Also, Nick, Brandy, Patrick, Virginia and I were lucky enough to catch The Arcade Fire at the LC last week. OMG it was fabulous. In case you haven't heard (and I don't know how in the world that would be possible), I hugged Win Butler. At the end of the concert, following the encore and "Wake Up," he stepped out into the loving crowd, and a few fans were lucky enough to touch the musical prodigy. I not only touched him, but wrapped my arms around his waist and held on for dear life! (Obsessive much I know.) It truly was the concert of my life. And they won't be back to Ohio for at least two years, according to Win. The Fire will be holed up in some gothic church somewhere recording a new album, and don't plan to come back to the states anytime soon. Oh, I'm a lucky girl. Here's someone's video of Win's Walk. If you watch closely enough, at the end, there's a short shot of me going spastic. I've got sunglasses on my head.
Other things on my mind:
Halloween Party: We're hosting the annual Halloween Party on Wacky Wednesday this year. Wednesday is, after all, Halloween. I'm torn between Mama from "Mama's Family," a flapper, or something else entirely. Suggestions welcome.
Top 15: I've been using the wonderfulness of's Overall Top Tracks charts to create my Top 15 for this year. Prepare for one outstanding musical compilation. I'm proud of it already.
My Love: Nick and I will celebrate our one-year anniversary on Nov. 6. He's cooking up a nice retreat for us (I think to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame) to celebrate.
New Pals: School is fun. I've (finally!) met a couple people I jive with at OU-C. The school screams "APPALACHIA!!!" so I'm nuts about finding people who don't.
Recommendations: Here's the fun part of my post. Here's what I've got to share with the world.
Music: Gogel Bordello (Ukranian immigrant gypsy punk)
Gogol Bordello – Dogs Were Barking
TV: The IT Crowd
TV: The Mighty Boosh
1 comment:
I just watched the video The Arcade Fire. That was great!!!! It's the first time I've heard of them and I like what I've seen so far. Great music!! So how's school going?
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