Sunday, July 29, 2007

Weekend Round-Up

So, I finally finished Lemony Snicket's "A Series of Unfortunate Events" on Friday. I was impressed. The series is easily one of the best I've ever read. When asked what the "moral" of the books is, Lemony Snicket a.k.a. Daniel Handler famously said "When you see Count Olaf, scream and run away."

Nevertheless, the series has a multitude of complex and entertaining lessons for readers of all ages. The overarching, I think, is that life is a series of ebbs and flows, ups and downs, lefts and rights, ins and outs, villains and heroes, safety and danger, night and day, black and white, and that different people see things in different ways. Also, despite the fact that the opinions and concerns of the young are often disregarded, our elders themselves make unfortunate, ridiculous, and devastating mistakes on a daily basis.

...but Mr. Handler still summed it up best.

I also watched "Zodiac" this weekend, which was good enough to keep me up until 3 in the morning, when I was ready to fall asleep at midnight...

My brother, Wayne, visited this weekend, along with his wife Rita and my niece Abby. He's a neuroradiologist at Ohio State. He took a look at my X-Rays and confirmed that the Orthopedic surgeons assessment was probably dead surgery is indeed in my near future. My niece, Abby, is a dancer and photographer, which, I think, makes her one of the few members of my family interested in the arts...keep it up!

Now I'm just relaxing...getting ready for the long week of work I have ahead of me...gotta build up some comp time for the surgery...

Oh....and WATCH "THE HOST" PEOPLES!!!....that's all I'm a sayin'...


iscreamheart said...

glad you liked the series...i certainly enjoyed the hell out of it, and i need to go back and reread it at some point.

i got "Zodiac" a little while back, but haven't watched it yet..looking forward to it. i'll have to check out The Host as well...sounds awesome. :)

Brandy and i watched "Secretary"
a few days ago and enjoyed it a bunch.

Jenn said...

Secretary is a favorite in this household, as well! :)

tattooedg33k said...

i still need to finish TSoUE. have you heard any of stephen merrit's songs written about the series? the best is "scream and run away"

"When you see Count Olaf count to zero / then scream and run away / scream scream scream and run away.../ run run run run run run / or die.. die die dah-die die dah-die..."

Jenn said...

Yep, we've got the Gothic Archies album, plus a ton of Stephin Merritt's stuff...he actually has a self-titled "Showtunes" album out in addition to his Magnetic Fields, The 6ths, and Future Bible Heroes projects.

"Crows" is our fave on the album.