I thought it might be time to give another medical update, since every time I run into someone I know, I end up telling this entire story anyways. Just like this morning, when I reached for a muffin the first morning of orientation for my new tutoring job, I had to explain why blueberry muffins were the only ones in the box I could have.
So, I'm still laden with the interstitial cystitis. For that, I received bladder installations with a "Rescue" solution. After a month and a half of that, it has been discontinued. Now, I'm just taking the oral medication Elmiron for two more months. Hopefully, this will build back up the lining of my bladder, which is in much disrepair. This is the disease that is also dictating my diet. It's easier to explain what I
can eat: white flour products, bland meats, and dairy products. It's necessary that I avoid anything spicy, MSG, foods rich in potassium, and any and all condiments. No fun, but I've lost 20 pounds so far.
I've also got endometriosis, and I started the
Lupron injections over a month ago. Just last Thursday, I received my second shot. Lupron is a chemotherapy drug that was first designed to treat patients with prostate cancer. Now, it's being used more and more often by doctors to reduce the size of lesions in patients with endometriosis. It will not necessarily remove the endometrial implants, but it will allow the disease to go into remission for up to five years. Because the injections are a hormonal treatment, the side-effects it creates is on par with menopause. Therefore, hot flashes, decreased libido, and emotional issues are common.
After my first shot, I noticed a few hot flashes. I also began experiencing headaches and nausea quite often. For the first two weeks, I had a ton of sexual energy. However, since my second shot last week, that has plateaued and started declining. I'm also feeling the effects of the chemotherapy more than I expected I would. The nausea and headaches are much worse and more frequent. I feel kind of like my brain is in a fog, and concentration has been a bit difficult. I can also see my memory slipping from time to time, which is also a popular side-effect. The worst part of the experience, though, by far, is the joint pain and the emotional disturbance. Lupron is known to deplete bone mass and increases the risk for Osteoporosis. Even adding a calcium supplement to my diet won't help. I'm starting to worry about the pain I'm having, but I don't think I have any options to decrease it. And the emotional issues are setting me back to my bipolar days, and I'm trying my best to hang on each and every day, despite the fact that I'm sad for no apparent reason. Adding a mild anti-depressant to my diet of pills might be an option I look into soon. Because my lesions are located near blood vessels, surgery is not an option for me. Looks like Lupron is the only thing that can help me right now.
So, there it is - the bad and the ugly. The good is that, hopefully, after another four-and-a-half months, I'll be pain-free and can move on with my life, happy and healthy.